audrey rhoda

audrey rhoda

about me

I make art out of joy

I listen to music as I paint , this is part of the magic for me

at the end of each day in the studio I declare wine-o'clock

I remove my apron, take off my studio boots and turn  the music up

I throw myself onto the sofa with barbara  my dog and together we reflect on our  day's work with a glass of red or two

I call my life a work in progress and I apply the same philosophy to my paintings

no work of mine is ever "finished" only "abandoned" until further notice

I love reworking my canvases

I enjoy new discoveries every time I make a change

I love the "challenge" of turning the canvas upside down and deconstructing the surface to conceal the old and reveal the new

it's like an archaeological dig

the history that lies beneath always informs the new

the process of reworking what appears on the surface is so empowering

to fearlessly let go and to not be precious is very liberating